About Us

Our mission is to reduce the time and hassle involved in moving home.

Our Journey: From Idea to Revolutionising Home Moves

Our mission when setting out on this journey was to reduce the time and stress involved in changing residence. The team agreed that the process of spending hours on the phone to call centres had to change.

The concept we created was TransferMyBills.

2017: The Spark

Inspired by the challenges many faced when moving homes, we embarked on a mission to research the intricacies of the market. We dove deep into the problems that both UK consumers and the companies offering home services experienced, aiming to create a solution that would benefit both parties.

2018: Building Knowledge

With a foundation in financial services, we ventured into a novel territory - understanding the nuances of utility providers. This exploration expanded to encompass home media and insurances, leading us to a thorough analysis of each sector.

It became evident that companies faced immense challenges, particularly when homeowners omitted to inform them about relocation. This revelation cemented our resolve to bridge the gap between consumers and service providers.

2019: Turning Vision into Reality

This was the year of transformation. Welcoming our Chief Technology Officer, Nigel Clutterbuck, our vision began to take shape. However, what seemed like a straightforward idea was, in reality, a labyrinth of complexities. Throughout the year, our team tackled challenges head-on, converting problems into opportunities.

2020: Launch and Evolution

The turning point arrived. We reached a stage where our product seamlessly catered to individuals moving homes. By forging relationships with companies spanning energy, water, television, broadband, insurance, and even local councils, we broadened our horizons.

September marked our official launch, and since then, we've been on an unwavering path to enhance the user experience. Our primary objective remains unchanged - to alleviate the burdens accompanying a home move.

The Team

Profile picture of Tyler Betts



Profile picture of Nigel Clutterbuck



Profile picture of Jason Deabrew



Profile picture of Alastair Doig


Non-Exec Director

Profile picture of Sam Shields



Profile picture of Luke Betts


Research Officer

For interview or photo requests please contact press@transfermybills.com.

Our Commitment

At Transfer My Bills, we're dedicated to revolutionising the home moving experience. Through innovation and determination, we aim to simplify processes, saving you time, energy, and unnecessary stress.

Join us on our journey and discover a hassle-free way to transition into your new home.

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